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Advances in Complementary & Alternative medicine

Nutraceutic Uses and Ancestral Knowledge of the Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Wild) and Wild Relatives in the Food of Andean Native Peoples

Submission: February 27, 2020; Published: March 09, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/ACAM.2020.06.000628

ISSN: 2637-7802
Volume6 Issue1


Quinoa, ancestral grain, is medicine and basic food of the Andean man, for the ideal balance of essential amino acids, other nutrients for normal development and growth, has nutraceutical, orthomolecular, anti-aging, anti-stress and medicinal qualities. The research methodology was the accompaniment and exchange of knowledge with bilateral information flow and ethnographic approach (continuous ethnobotanical-anthropological exploration, with exchange of bilateral and multilateral knowledge) in Andean communities, for 14 years (2005/2019), the ancestral medicinal uses given to quinoa by Andean man so far are to: treat broken bones, twists, dislocations, blows and fortify bones (contains quadruple Ca that corn and triple rice, easy to absorb), contains lithium avoiding stress and sadness, galactogenic increasing milk secretion in mothers, prevents uterine cancer, menopause problems for their phytoestrogens (Daidzein and cinesteine), prevents osteoporosis, organic and functional alterations that produce the lack of estrogen, contributes to curing TBC by having protein of high biological value, ideal balance of essential amino acids and elevated lysine, shaping cells, tissues and organs of the human body, regulates cholesterol levels by dietary fiber content and unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid, linolenic, linoleic), being fiber 6% of weight of the grain, its intake favors intestinal transit; contains antioxidants: betalains, betazhantine to preserve health, is energy source for muscles, brain, nervous system, for containing Alanine, plus Glycine acting as brain tranquilizing neurotransmitter, regulating motor functions and Proline, participant in joint repair and healing injuries; anaemia by content of iron; saponin prevents polyglobulin for its hemolytic action; native varieties and wild relatives are used in food [1-28], medicine [2,29], flavorings, dyes, seasoning, ornamental, biocides and for cultural aspects, local preferences, taste, texture, smell, color; grains and plants used in ritualities counteracting teluric diseases (magical-religious plants) and biological indicators.

Keywords: Chenopodium; Medicinal uses; Nutraceutical knowledge; Original peoples

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