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Psychology and Psychotherapy: Research Study

Strategic Implications of the C19 Pandemic for Non-Executive Directors

  • Open or CloseTasawar Nawaz*

    Plymouth Business School,UK

    *Corresponding author: Tasawar Nawaz, Plymouth Business School, University of Plymouth, UK

Submission: September 09, 2020;Published: November 16, 2020


Economic malaises such as the great financial crisis of 2007-08 triggered an economic and social crisis whose aftereffects are still lively in the form of economic austerity in many economies around the world especially, in Europe. While the world pay the socio-economic casts for the financial crisis, a new crisis in the form of C19 Pandemic hails. The C19 Pandemic, however, have pushed the agony further to include the psychological well-being, largely referred to as mental health-of the workforce. While the C19 Pandemic has caused the sociopsycho- economic distress, just as it has forced the corporate sector to restructure its strategic focus. These are certainly strange times for the corporate sector.

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