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Modern Research in Dentistry

Is there any Association between Biofilms and COVID-19?
  • Open or CloseRabia Sannam Khan1*, Yasser Ali H Almoshawah2, Hafsah Akhtar3 and Fahad H Alhamoudi4

    1Rabia Sannam Khan, PhD scholar, ICE Postgraduate Dental Institute and Hospital, 24 Furness Quay, Salford, UK

    2Yasser Ali H Almoshawah, Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia

    3Hafsah Akhtar, PhD Scholar, Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK

    4Fahad Hussain, Lecturer, Department of Dental Technology, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia

    *Corresponding author:Rabia Sannam Khan, ICE Postgraduate Dental Institute and Hospital, 24 Furness Quay, Salford, UK

Submission: November 11, 2020 Published: November 20, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/MRD.2020.05.000621

Volume5 Issue5


The global pandemic COVID-19 has brought devastating health, social and economic effects that drastically impacts the health services delivery. The route of entry of the SARSCOV- 2 is respiratory system where it disturbs the equilibrium. The miscommunication between the adaptive and innate immunity is the indirect cause of death in patients suffering from COVID-19 severe symptoms. The failure in the production of effective antibodies against the virus causes the mortality. This shows that the adaptive immune response takes longer than the innate immune response. It is proposed that bacterial biofilms can be similar to viral biofilms representing the viral communities with augmented infectious capacity [1].

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