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Modern Concepts & Developments in Agronomy

Food and Energy from Wastewater Sludge, Really?

Submission: January 28, 2020;Published: February 03, 2020

DOI: 10.31031/MCDA.2020.05.000622

ISSN: 2637-7659
Volume5 Issue5


There are areas of opportunities for food production and energy generation that demand creative technologies and that face the challenges of the future. Therefore, there are searches for strategies to obtain better resources, including wastes, such as wastewater sludge. The sludges contain various elements and chemical compounds that can nourish the plants and enrich the soil and its biota, so that they produce food with adequate quality, however, wastewater sludge must be treated before. As a possible source of energy, sludge can produce biogas under specific conditions. It is possible to take advantage of waste such as sludge, which has a window open for the reuse and use of sludge, towards research, to new possibilities of exploration of energy and materials. Due to its qualities, sludge has a great potential to regenerate eroded or degraded soils, as well as being useful to increase the production of some crops in an economical and sustainable way.

Keywords: Use of sewage sludge; Sustainable agriculture; Wastewater sludge alternative use

Abbreviations: WWS: Wastewater Sludge; WWTP: Wastewater Treatment Plants

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