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Investigations in Gynecology Research & Womens Health

Perinatal Transmission of HIV and Syphilis in Mexico

  • Open or ClosePosadas Robledo FJ*

    Department of Health Services of San Luis Potosí, México

    *Corresponding author:Posadas Robledo FJ, Department of Health Services of San Luis Potosí, México

Submission: June 14, 2019Published: July 09, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/IGRWH.2019.02.000554

ISSN: 2577-2015
Volume3 Issue1


In the international context, HIV and AIDS are a clear and specific sphere of attention, in which Mexico has sustained the commitment to adhere to global agreements that aim to respond to this epidemic, as well as to respect human rights, to combat the stigma and discrimination suffered by people who live and coexist with the virus and the infection. The essential objectives of the national response include the control of perinatal transmission of HIV and syphilis.

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