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COJ Nursing & Healthcare

Views on Healthcare: The Hispanic Migrant Worker Study in Rural Appalachia

  • Open or Close Vickie Hughes*1, Kim Priode2 and Teresa Carnevale3

    1Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, USA

    2Assistant Clinical Professor, University of South Carolina, USA

    3Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University, USA

    *Corresponding author: Vickie Hughes, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, USA

Submission: May 17, 2018Published: October 10, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/COJNH.2018.04.000581

ISSN: 2577-2007
Volume4 Issue2


Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study was to highlight the lived experiences of Hispanic migrant workers seeking healthcare at a community care clinic in rural Appalachia with participation from student nurses learning about qualitative research methods.

Design/method: A phenomenological qualitative study was approved by the institutional IRB. Senior BSN nursing students, community care clinic staff and interpreters, and nurse educators participated in structured interviews during healthcare visits from Hispanic migrant workers at a local community care clinic in rural Appalachia. An audit trail provided the process to highlight common themes on health from the lived experiences of the Hispanic migrant worker population. Results: Several barriers on healthcare viewed by the Hispanic migrant workers included transportation, financial resources, medication prescriptions, and language. Positive lived experiences included; resources, quality care, and trust.

Discussion/conclusion: Surprisingly, this research highlighted strengths of the interpersonal connection between the rural clinic staff and the Hispanic migrant workers. Participants vocalized their satisfaction when trust was established through the clinic’s efforts in providing interpreters, extended hours after normal field work hours, and personnel’s attitudes toward the promotion of health. The Hispanic Worker Study findings parallel similar lived experiences of the culture among people from rural Appalachia.

Implications: Healthcare members must establish ‘trust’ as one of the interpersonal relationship strategies with multiple and diverse populations in order to create holistic culturally competent healthcare.

Keywords: Cultural issues; Health services research; Qualitative study; Migrant health

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