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Biodiversity Online J

Diversity and Distribution of Almonds in their Center of Origin

  • Alireza Rahemi*

    Department of Agricultural Sciences, Morehead State University, USA

    *Corresponding author:Alireza Rahemi, Assistant Professor of Horticulture, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Morehead State University, 327 Reed Hall, 151 4th St, Morehead, KY 40351, USA

Submission: May 03, 2024;Published: May 23, 2024

DOI: 10.31031/BOJ.2024.04.000595

ISSN : 2640-9275
Volume4 Issue4


Almond (Prunus dulcis; Syn. Amygdalus communis) is one of the most widely cultivated nuts in the world. Almond has several wild types, including more than 30 species. It has been reported that these species were adapted and distributed to the increasingly xerophytic environments of Central and Southwest Asia. Iran is the world’s most important gene pool for wild almonds. So far, 23 species and 7 of their interspecies hybrids have been reported in Iran. These species are distributed in different habitats of Iran, some of which are endemic. Therefore, without any doubt, almonds originated and were probably domesticated in this area and then spread to other areas.

Keywords:Prunus; Biodiversity; Bioclimatic requirements; Phytogeographical region; Euro-siberian; Irano-anatolian; Saharo-sindian

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