International Cancer Detection and Prevention Center, Japan
*Corresponding author: Tsuneo Kobayashi, International Cancer Detection and Prevention Center, Japan
Submission: February 26, 2020; Published: March 09, 2020
Volume1 Issue1 March 2020
Background: To date, cancer chemoprevention in separate organs has been reported. In this study, chemo-preventive drugs and knowledge for preventing cancer in all organs were summarized and this methods for preventing recurrence in the host side factors were evaluated. There have been several reports on the relationship between Vitamins and cancer, including those reported by Muto [1-3] about the relationship between Vitamin A and cancer as well as correlation Vitamin D and cancer reported from USA, and another reported by NCI(USA) about the association between high dose Vitamin C and cancer. It has been elucidated that cancer easily forms in low calcium conditions. Here, I reported the relationship between cyclic AMP and cancer and show that white blood cell counts correlate with immunity. Because cancer proliferate by using glutamine, a combination of Dietary Energy Restriction (DER) with restricted glutamine and 5% animal protein consumption and seven factors was devised as a method to prevent cancer with holistic prophylactic program.
Materials and methods: A combination of seven factors, DER with supplementation of sufficient concentrations of Vitamin A, C, D and calcium, fasting once weekly by consuming only vegetable juice to improve low cyclic AMP concentrations, and intradermal inoculation of BCG vaccine as a measure against low white blood cell count, was comprehensively prescribed. Five patients who had undergone surgery for recurrent cervical cancer, vascular granulomatosis with polyangiitis, advanced lung cancer, breast cancer and postoperative rectal cancer were included in this study. But we have failed on the patient with pancreatic cancer patient. Assessments were performed using Tumor Marker Combination Assay (TMCA). The primary outcomes included improvements in the seven factors resulting from the treatment. Although differentiation inducing treatment was basic therapy, hyperthermia treatment was not administered in this time. In case of inflammatory changes, minomycin, which has antioxidant activity, was added in small amounts, and a special herbal medicine (SA) was used given in case of metastasis.
Result: All five patients were difficult to treat with conventional cancer treatments, however, by applying the knowledge of seven host factors and affiliated antioxidant and differentiation- inducing treatments, the conditions of all five patients improved except one patient.
Conclusion: If improvement measures can be implemented for seven host factors, including DER, improvement in low concentrations of Vitamin A, C, D, Calcium, cyclic AMP and white blood cell counts, the recurrence of cancer can be prevented, and these seven host factors can serve as indicators for cancer prediction and prevention.
Keywords: Vitamin A shortage; Vitamin C shortage; Vitamin D shortage; Low cyclic AMP; Low WBC, Low calcium; 7 prophylactic host factors for cancer prevention program