
Orthopedic Research Online Journal

Physical Therapy Modalities and Alternative Methods in Treatment of Soft Tissue Lesions

  • Open or Close Elizabeta Popova Ramova*

    Department of Physical Therapy, University St. Clement Ohridski,

    *Corresponding author: Elizabeta Popova Ramova, Department of Physical Therapy, University St. Clement Ohridski, Bitola, R Macedonia

Submission: January 22, 2018;Published: March 21, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/OPROJ.2018.02.000537

ISSN: 2576-8875
Volume2 Issue3


Purpose: To present the role of physical therapy and some alternative medicine methods to improve recovery after soft tissue muscles skeletal trauma in athletes and physical active people.

Introduction: Soft tissue injuries are common in physical active people, vary from minor to major complex trauma. Soft tissue injuries include sprains, strains and bruising. Any soft-tissue injury can lead to a tenderness, swelling, haematoma, scarring, fibrosis and loss of function. In the next few days after injury, we can greatly improve recovery time by taking medicaments that decrease inflammation and speed healing. The case of treatment in PH&Reha is soft tissue injuries of muscles skeletal system. There are onlower limb(ankle, knee, hip), the other on the shoulder (dislocations, acromioclavicular joint injuries, rotator cuff injuries), elbow and wrist.The aims of physical therapyare to relieve pain, control inflammation, hasten resolution of a haematoma, and accelerate repair, to restorate function and recovery muscle power.

Discussion: There are a variety of choices available which can provide specific and individualized results. Integration of conservative treatment and surgery with physical therapy, can decrease a time of rest and inactivity. The physical therapy has used follow physical therapy modalities: Light therapy, electro therapy, sonotherapy, hydro therapy, cold and warm applications, with proved effect. However, once the injury is stabilized, patient should take an alternative treatments for ssoft tissue injuries like acupuncture, masasage, functional taping, and herbal therapy from medicaments to greases. .

Conclusion:Modern Physical therapy can improve fast recovery and functional impairment, on science base, with physical therapy modalities and alternative medicine methods. Evaluation of effect of treatment can be with ultrasonography, and clinical test and scores.

Keywords: Soft tissue injuries; Physical therapy

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