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Advances in Complementary & Alternative medicine

A Comparison of Codified Traditional Systems of Medicine and the Non-Codified Systems of Medicine like Folk Remedies and Tribal Medicine

  • Open or Close P Pushpangadan*

    Amity Institute for Herbal and Biotech Products Development (AIHBPD), India

    *Corresponding author: P Pushpangadan, Amity Institute for Herbal and Biotech Products Development (AIHBPD), 3-Ravi Nagar, Peroorkada PO, Trivandrum-695 0005, Kerala, India

Submission: April 02, 2018; Published: April 09, 2018

DOI: 10.31031/ACAM.2018.02.000532

ISSN: 2637-7802
Volume2 Issue2


I am a biology scientist and interested in Traditional systems of medicine like the codified classical systems like Ayurveda, siddha, Unani and Amchi and the non codified systems like the village remedies and folk medicine like Tribal medicine. I was the Chief Coordinator of the All India coordinated research project on Ethnobiology (AICRPE) which started by Ministry of Environment and Forest in the year 1982 and continued upto 1998 with 27 centers in all over India with about 600 scientist drawn from Anthropology, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Pharmacology both modern and the Traditional systems of medicine etc. It has generated many publications by Ministry of Environment and Forest Govt. of India. It gave an intepth study and analysis of the tribals of India (10 million) people living in rural and forested villages as well as in accessible place like high mountains and similar situation. It gave an excellent position for the administrators and politician to manage the tribals in the country.

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